Write for Us Cricket

Write For Us

Cricket Write For Us – Are you a cricket enthusiast, looking for a guest posting opportunity? Do you want to share your deep knowledge about cricket with millions of readers across the globe? Check out our guest posting guidelines and get your article published at Crickclassics!

What We Publish?

Crickclassics publish articles related to the latest cricket news, match predictions, fantasy league tips & tricks, players’ biographies, cricket updates, match preview & analysis, statistical cricket facts, and everything else related to cricket.

Guest Posting Guidelines

There are hundreds of passionate content writers like you, who sent us a lot of guest post outreach emails. However, we accept only high-quality articles that comply with our guest posting guidelines.

Therefore, we decided to create the guidelines that you can follow to get your content published on our blog. Following are our guidelines:

1. Length of The Article

The quality of an article is our top priority. However, the length of your guest post should be at least 1000 words.

2. Unique Content

The content must be unique, i.e. non-plagiarized (You can check here the plagiarism in your content for free).

It should NOT be copied from any other blog or your own previously published articles. You need to submit fresh content with 100% authority (should not be a copyrighted content of any other author).

Your content can look like a familiar topic but from a new point of view. We prefer accepting unique contents related to Match Predictions, Cricket Fantasy Guides, and Latest Cricket News.

3. Value-Added Content

Our readers love actionable and value-added content. Use appropriate examples, relevant case studies, updated statistics, and necessary graphics to provide some values to your article.

4. Optimization

The article that you submit must be SEO-Friendly, i.e. it should properly cover the focus keyword of the topic. Also, make sure to distribute the content into relevant headings and sub-headings to improve its readability.

5. Links

If possible, try to insert at least one internal link from our blog posts in your content. Use external links, only if they lead to valuable resources.

6. Images

We accept articles only with relevant images, that too with their proper source links. If you’ve any issues regarding images or their sources, feel free to mention it in your outreach email.

(Note: – Do Not Use Stock Photos)

How To Apply?

To share your guest post on cricket with us, write an outreach email to us at sakshamgarg928@gmail.com with the subject “Request for Guest Posting on Crickclassics”.

You can also use the contact form provided below to reach us.